
The Importance of LinkedIn for Young Adults

Written by Leah Leverich | Mar 5, 2025 2:41:02 PM

We are thrilled to bring to the ACT Counselor Blog the first in a series of post from presenters at the upcoming ACT Summit in July. The ACT Summit unites the expertise and focus of Workforce professionals, Higher Ed leaders, and K-12 leaders, creating a fully integrated experience that fosters cross-sector collaboration. In this post, Leah Leverich, ACT Summit presenter and host of the Decision Day Podcast, shares some excellent guidance that can be shared with students about the tremendous value of beginning to build a professional network on LinkedIn as a high school student.

The Importance of LinkedIn for Young Adults – ACT Summit Speaker Series

As we explore our options for life after high school, it’s easy to think we have all the time in the world to figure things out. But the truth is, the earlier we start building our resume, the more opportunities and momentum we’ll have in the long run. One of the most effective ways to do this is by creating a strong presence on platforms like LinkedIn. Here's why LinkedIn is a game-changer for young adults as they enter the working world.

Build Your Network Early

On LinkedIn, it’s extremely easy to build and grow your network, making it a great starting point for young professionals. Using our age to our advantage, we have an incredible opportunity to tap into a vast network of professionals who are often willing to help. The great thing about LinkedIn is that adults are rarely going to say "no" to a curious student asking for advice or mentorship. So many professionals (especially those on LinkedIn) are more than happy to share their experience and offer guidance when you're just starting out. The connections you make now could open doors for jobs, internships, and valuable learning experiences. It’s as simple as sending a direct message to someone you’re inspired by, and asking to connect further!

Managing Your Digital Footprint

Whether we like it or not, everything we do online is documented. A “digital footprint” quite literally means “the trail of data you leave when using the internet.” As young adults entering the workforce, it’s crucial that we take this into consideration. LinkedIn offers a professional space to showcase skills, achievements, and passions. A well-curated profile can serve as a living resume, allowing potential employers to see who you are and what you’re all about long before meeting you. It’s also an excellent way to demonstrate your commitment to professional growth and interest in the field you want to pursue. Elevating your profile on LinkedIn should be a priority. After all, we don’t want future employers going to our TikTok accounts for information about us on a professional level, right?

Expanding on Connections

Once you fill out your profile, it’s time to follow and connect with others. It’s amazing how quickly one connection on LinkedIn can lead to another. Eventually, you could find yourself introduced to someone who plays a key role in helping you land your dream job or internship. It’s all about opening doors and choosing which ones to walk through. Trust me, these connections can snowball quickly!

Staying Top of Mind

Take your presence on LinkedIn a step further by posting regularly! Share achievements, thoughts and business related events with your audience to remain top of mind. This way, when someone is looking to hire, your name will be the first that comes to mind! Sharing your progress helps employers see that you're proactive, motivated, and always learning.

Build Credibility

As young adults, we often face the challenge of having limited professional experience. That’s where LinkedIn can help level the playing field. By filling your profile with educational achievements, skills, volunteer work, and even personal projects, you can establish credibility. It shows that you're committed to your career journey, even if you haven’t had years of experience yet. Plus, LinkedIn allows you to request recommendations from teachers, mentors, and supervisors who can vouch for your character and potential, adding even more weight to your resume!

Building your professional presence on LinkedIn at a young age not only helps you get a jumpstart on your career, but it also helps you gain valuable connections, learn from others, and build a digital resume that can be seen by those you want to impress. So, don’t wait until you’re looking for a job or internship, start today! Whether you’re still in high school, about to graduate, or just exploring career options, the earlier you begin, the more doors will open for you.

Don’t wait any longer, build out your presence on LinkedIn now! I’m happy to be your first connection. Just search “Leah Leverich” and I’ll follow you back! Who knows, maybe there’s a huge opportunity between us just waiting to be discovered.

For more guidance navigating life after high school, listen to the Decision Day podcast! Decision Day is a growing and welcoming community of students and business professionals who want to help you make your graduation decision with confidence.

I’m very eager to dive deeper into this topic at the 2025 ACT Summit! Will I be seeing you there? 


Leah Leverich

Host of the Decision Day Podcast

ACT Summit 2025: Connecting K-12, Higher Ed, and Workforce

July 15-17, 2025 | Nashville, Tennessee

Join us at the 2025 ACT Summit, where leaders from K-12, higher education, and workforce sectors, like Leah, come together to solve today's most pressing challenges. REGISTER HERE